The World's First Collaborative AI‑Editor

New to Generative AI? Hire Mia is packed with AI-powered features to help you multiply your content output.

Collaborative AI-Editor
Collaborative AI-Editor

Transform Chats Into Content

Hire Mia brings together chat and an AI-Powered Text Editor to change how you create content.

Bust through writer’s block in seconds. Add details or direction in chat, and Mia automatically generates a first-draft for you in your AI-powered Text Editor.

In-Line Editing + Quick Prompts

Perfect Your Content With AI‑Editing Tools

Need to revise your content? Hire Mia’s in-line editing tools can help you polish your content as you work.

Update the tone, structure, length, and more with the click of a button.

In-Line Editing
Campaign Creation

Create Multiple Assets At Once

Most marketing initiatives require multiple deliverables.

Hire Mia simultaneously creates and groups related assets together, so you can refine, revise, and improve your content in no time.

Campaign Creation
AI Web-Access & Link Reading
AI Web-Access & Link Reading

Streamline Your Research Process

Mia is the ultimate research assistant.

With web-access, Mia can do research, find strategic link recommendations, summarize content found online, and more!

Revision Tracking

Track All Historical Changes To Documents

Hire Mia includes effortless revision tracking. Keep track of all document changes made by you, your team, and Mia in your version history.

Don’t like changes Mia makes to your content? Restore to the original version to keep iterating.

Revision Tracking
Data Privacy & Security
Data Security

Keep Your Data Secure

Hire Mia ensures your proprietary data stays private and secure within your account.

Explore More Hire Mia Features

Hire Mia is so much more than the Collaborative AI-editor. Discover how to create higher quality, on-brand content with Hire Mia’s prompt libraries and training modules.

Prompt Library Icon

AI Prompt Libraries

Explore 1,100+ user-tested prompts for sales, business, marketing, real estate, & more!

Learn More
Training Modules Icon

AI Training Modules

Train Hire Mia to know your brand as well as you do.

Learn More

See Hire Mia At Work

Explore popular use cases to see how Mia can help with writing, research, SEO, and other key marketing tasks.

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