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How to Get Started With Agile Marketing and Do Your Best Work

Published June 15, 2021
/ Updated May 21, 2024

The worlds of business and marketing are changing. New technologies are empowering companies to respond to customer demands more quickly and with better data-driven insights than ever before. Those can adapt and execute with speed and precision will enjoy the benefits, while those trapped in an old-school business-as-usual mindset risk becoming irrelevant.

This means marketers must move with the flow of progress too. How can managers make sure their teams are able to keep pace with their competition while remaining flexible enough to adjust to an unpredictable future rather than simply guessing at what might come next?

The answer lies with agile marketing.

With an approach to planning, executing, and measuring projects and campaigns that’s based around rapid iteration and data-backed decision-making, marketing departments within organizations of all sizes can work better, faster, and at less cost.

The results speak for themselves: within a five-year span, agile workflows have helped CoSchedule grow into an industry-leading marketing project management software platform, landing at number 153 on the Inc. 500 list in 2018.

Implementing such processes isn’t without its challenges. Fortunately though, any company can get started and reap the rewards, transforming even the most stuck-in-the-past teams from cumbersome cost-centers into lean revenue-generating machines. And that is exactly what you’ll learn how to achieve by reading this in-depth guide on going agile today.