Marketing Campaign Report

The Marketing Campaign Report allows you to provide stakeholders with a high-level overview of marketing campaigns to show how they support company goals. You can filter by categories like date, color label, and team member to zero in on the information you need, then share via PDF or spreadsheet.
Note: The Marketing Campaign Report is only available in Marketing Suite.

Why Would You Want To Use a Marketing Campaign Report?

The Marketing Campaign Report allows you to gather key information about a set of marketing campaigns into one report. Use it to gather campaigns for a single client, over a set time period, or tagged with a specific topic.

Creating a Marketing Campaign Report

To create a Marketing Campaign Report, go to Analytics > Marketing Campaign Report. To begin, add a filter by clicking Add Filter in the upper left. You can filter by:
  • Tag
  • Color Label
  • Team Member
  • Creation Date
  • Start Date
  • End Date
Use these filters in combination to create the report that fits your needs. For example, you could filter by team member and start date to show all marketing campaigns created by you starting in the next week. Learn more about filters below.

Adding a Filter

  1. To add a filter, click Add Filter, then select the filter you'd like to apply.
  2. Click the name of the filter, then select as many options as desired from the dropdown list.
Continue adding filters to show the marketing campaigns you're interested in.

Removing a Filter

Hover over a filter and click the white X that appears to remove the filter. To remove all filters, click Clear All.

Saving a Report View

To be able to quickly access a report with a given set of filters, you can save it as a report view.
  1. Click Saved Filters, then Save New Report View.
  2. Type a descriptive name for your report view.
You will now be able to access this report view later on the Saved Reports list.

Exporting a Marketing Campaign Report

Once you have a report displaying your desired marketing campaigns, you can download a CSV file or PDF file to share it with stakeholders.
  1. Click Share.
  2. Choose Export PDF or Export CSV.
A copy of your report will download to your computer.

Scheduling a Marketing Campaign Report

If you need to regularly share information about the same set of marketing campaigns, you can schedule a report. This feature emails a copy of the report out at an established interval.
  1. Click Share, then Schedule Report.
  2. In the Email Subject box, type a descriptive subject for the email.
  3. Choose how often to deliver the report: weekly, monthly, or quarterly.
  4. In the Recipient Email Address box, type the email address you'd like to send the report to, then click Add Recipient. You can add as many recipients as desired.
  5. Click Save.
To add your company name or logo to the report, click Share > Manage Scheduled Reports. To delete, reschedule, or add a recipient to a scheduled report, click Share > Manage Scheduled Reports, then hover over the field you wish to edit. Back To Top 
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