Free YouTube Title Generator

Generate AI-powered YouTube titles to increase your views and reach.

Enter your topic(s) or keyword(s).

What Is A YouTube Title Generator?

A compelling video title is the first step in creating a popular video on YouTube. But because it might be tough to think of ideas for video titles, we’ve developed this tool—the YouTube Title Generator—to help you in coming up with the best title ideas possible.

The YouTube video title generator is a free resource that can create engaging titles for your videos that are also search engine optimized. To begin, use CoSchedule’s free YouTube Title Generator to receive AI-generated titles to increase your views on YouTube by entering one or two keyword/video subject topics.

How Does The Free YouTube Title Generator Work?

Here’s how you can get the best YouTube titles that suit your video:

Step 1: Enter the topic or keyword

Step 2: Show optional fields to add additional information. This will help get you a title that accurately describes your video while making it SEO-friendly at the same time.

Step 3: Add additional fields

  • Target audience
  • Tone

Step 4: Analyze your title for engagement & in CoSchedule’s free Headline Studio. Once you get a list of AI-generated Youtube title ideas, you can further improve your titles by analyzing them using Headline Studio. With data-backed headline scoring, suggestions, & SEO info, you’ll quickly write eye-catching headlines that…

  • Help your content rank higher & become more visible in search
  • Hook readers & boost click-throughs on your content
  • Drive traffic back to your brand & convert more readers into customers

13 Tips For Writing A YouTube Title That Gets More Clicks

1. Use A Free YouTube Title Generator

The free YouTube Title Generator from CoSchedule can help you come up with a catchy and search-engine-optimized title for your video. The title may seem authentic yet appealing to your core audience thanks to the customizable areas where you can choose things like target demographics and brand voice.

2. Include The Targeted Keyword

When it comes to YouTube, search engine optimization (SEO) for videos is crucial. As a new creator, it might be difficult to gain traction if your videos aren’t being found when people perform relevant searches.


The keyword in the above example is “resume,” which is used in the first five words of the title for maximum engagement. An often-overlooked component of platform-based video marketing is YouTube SEO. It may seem unimportant, yet being on time depends on it. If you don’t promote your videos, they will be lost forever in the vast void of stuff that no one watches.

Make sure your YouTube video has a good title full of relevant keywords before you hit that upload button. To begin, research the field to learn the terminology used by competitors and start from there.

3. Make Sure Your Title Matches The Video Content

Viewers are indeed drawn in out of pure curiosity when sensational headlines are used. Investigating a matter is something viewers will do regardless of whether or not it appears to be too good to be true.

Because of this, YouTube restricts content that is designed to attract clicks, including titles of videos.


If you search for the title “We Need To Talk,” you will find multiple examples of similar types of confessional videos where it’s unclear who is the “we” in the video, making the viewers curious to know more. Sometimes, this may backfire.

One example would be giving a video a title that conveys only a small percentage of what it contains. Take, for instance, a video tutorial on how to do something that includes a twenty-minute introduction but just two minutes of actual instruction.

4. Use Eye-Catching Words

While it is important to include relevant keywords in titles, avoid making them sound forced.

First, you need to get people interested in your video, and second, you need to offer them a compelling reason to watch it. To make the reader feel something, use strong, emotive language.

This means the following should be used strategically:

  • Useful numerical information to pique interest or establish realistic goals for your video’s impact.
  • Questions designed to stimulate thought and pique curiosity about your perspective.
  • Parentheticals to draw attention to key points and keep readers interested.
  • Puns or alliteration to make your videos more memorable.
  • The use of full capital letters to draw focus or highlight a statement.


The video example above is a good title because it draws the reader in with a numerical value of ten ways to save money and also mentions that these tips are less talked about.

Of course, not every single title will benefit from all the tips mentioned above. Consider which of the previously mentioned elements may make your proposed YouTube titles more interesting each time you come up with a new list of ideas.

5. Understand Your Target Audience

Once you fully grasp the target audience, you can use that information to craft videos that directly address their needs and problem areas. Incorporating buyer personas into your video marketing strategy can boost its effectiveness.


The video above knows the target audience because they are exclusively making this video for people who want to know more about SEO, such as professionals who deal with SEO on a daily basis.

Think about the YouTube titles that generate the most views, likes, and comments from your intended target audience. You can then increase the number of views and comments on your YouTube videos by making sure the title is informative and addresses the viewers’ needs.

6. Choose Your Tone Of Voice

Adapt your tone and writing style to the subject. A company’s ability to maintain the same “tone of voice” across its communications can help in the development of a distinct and easily identifiable brand identity.


Semrush has a consistent tone of voice which is informative and educational because they know their audience looks to them as a thought leader in the field of digital marketing.

7. Focus On The Value Proposition

Put an emphasis on the value of what your video has to provide, and if at all possible, assign a numerical value to it. Make smart use of marketing trigger phrases to get readers to click on your links. Aim to encourage them by using active language.


YouTuber Ali Abdaal knows that his value proposition is his productivity videos, and he often produces similar content which he knows his viewers will like.

Make sure that your YouTube title provides value in just a few words by answering why a viewer should click on your video and what the advantages would be. This will increase the likelihood that someone will pay attention to what you have to say.

8. Analyze Your Title For Engagement & SEO

CoSchedule’s Headline Studio guides you through the process of analyzing a headline that will increase the number of times your video is viewed on YouTube by increasing its ranking in the search results.

You will soon be able to produce attention-grabbing headlines with the help of data-backed headline scores, ideas, and SEO information. This will increase interaction with your brand and convert viewers into paying consumers.

9. Test Different Variations Of YouTube Titles

Learning how to create a catchy title for your videos requires a lot of trial and error. However, there is more to it than merely experimenting.

Conduct A/B tests. Simple performance comparison between two variants is what A/B testing is all about. Also known as split testing, this method involves exposing multiple groups of YouTube users to two or more variations of a variable (the thumbnail, title, etc.) to see which one performs best.

Determine through A/B testing and analysis what kinds of YouTube titles attract the most views, likes, and comments from the target audience. Use what you’ve learned to attract even more viewers in the future.

10. Avoid Generic Titles

Make the video stand out from the crowd of content by giving it a creative title that intrigues the reader or viewer.


ChatGPT is all the rage now, and people can’t seem to get enough of it. But that also means that there are many videos promising you tutorials on ChatGPT these days with the same old predictable titles. To truly differentiate yourself, try opting for a more unique title.

YouTube titles are typically the first thing that people see when they click on a video. They serve a similar function to the article’s headline or a book’s cover in that they provide readers with a quick idea of what to expect and whether or not the content will be of interest to them.

11. Leverage Trending Topics

Integrating trending topics or current events into your YouTube title can significantly improve your video’s visibility and relevance. By tapping into the zeitgeist, you can attract viewers who are already interested in these hot topics and are searching for related content.

For example, create a video titled “How to Make a Pumpkin Spice Latte at Home” during the fall season, when “pumpkin spice latte” searches are peaking so you can attract viewers who are already interested in this trending topic.

12. Optimize For Voice Search

With the rise of voice search, optimizing your YouTube title for natural language queries is becoming increasingly important. Include conversational phrases and questions that people might use when speaking to digital assistants like Siri or Alexa. This strategy can help your video appear in voice search results, thus broadening your reach.

For example, using a title like “How to Create a Perfect Smokey Eye” can cater to voice search users who ask complete questions. This strategy can help your video appear in voice search results, thus broadening your reach.

13. Going Beyond Search Volume: The Critical Role of Intent in Keyword Strategy

Keyword selection transcends mere search volume; it’s essential to consider the likelihood of ranking on Google’s first pages and fulfilling user intent. Search intent reveals the user’s true goal behind a query, guiding you to create content that aligns with their needs.

Before targeting popular keywords, examine the top-ranking Google results to understand what satisfies users. If your content doesn’t meet or exceed the value of these results, it’s wise to seek alternative keywords. Prioritizing search intent ensures your content serves the audience effectively, enhancing your site’s relevance and authority.

YouTube title generation has come a long way, thanks to advancements in artificial intelligence. Here are some new trends and developments we’ve discovered in our research and experience using AI to write more engaging and click-worthy YouTube titles.

AI-Powered Video Summarization

AI algorithms have made significant strides in understanding video content, helping creators craft engaging titles that accurately reflect their videos without any fuss.

Personalization & Audience Segmentation

AI-driven tools now offer a more personalized approach, allowing creators to connect with their viewers on a deeper level. By understanding your audience better, you can create titles that truly resonate with different viewer segments.

Real-Time SEO Optimization

Imagine having AI support that suggests SEO-optimized titles in real-time. These tools analyze current trends and competition, offering you straightforward recommendations to improve your video’s discoverability.

Multilingual Title Generation

With YouTube’s global reach, AI generators have expanded their capabilities to provide titles in multiple languages. This means you can connect with a broader international audience effortlessly.

Enhanced Thumbnail Recommendations

Some tools now offer thumbnail suggestions that perfectly complement your chosen title. This cohesive approach can boost your video’s visibility and click-through rates.

Improved Content Insights

AI-driven analytics tools can now gain deeper insights into how your video titles perform. This includes data on viewer engagement, click-through rates, and conversion metrics, empowering you to refine your title strategy further.

As AI continues to evolve, we can expect even more innovations in YouTube title generation. Staying updated on these trends and incorporating the latest AI-driven techniques into your video marketing strategy can give your content a competitive edge in the ever-growing world of YouTube.

Emotion Analysis

Emotion analysis is an evolving area within AI. As technology advances, there is potential to enhance the effectiveness of YouTube titles by creating titles that are more emotionally resonant connection with your viewers.

AI-driven tools may gauge the emotional impact of different words or phrases. Content creators can use this information to craft titles that not only convey information but also reel in more views by appealing to the viewer’s emotions.

Interactive Title Generation

With advancements in AI, there’s a rising trend toward interactive title-generation tools. These tools allow creators to input specific parameters such as target audience demographics, preferred tone, and content themes. AI then generates a range of title options tailored to these specifications, providing creators with more control and creativity in crafting engaging titles for their YouTube videos.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do I Find A Good YouTube Title?

With CoSchedule’s free YouTube Title Generator, you can take the guesswork out of the equation and come up with a title that uniquely describes your video while conforming to your brand voice.

How Do I Pick The Best Keyword For My YouTube Video Title?

Make the headline stand out by including attention-grabbing power words. Use keywords in conjunction with descriptive language to increase YouTube views. The use of superlatives like “amazing,” “epic,” and “best” increases attention and interest. It piques curiosity and encourages them to watch your video.

How Do I Choose The Best Tone For My YouTube Video Title?

The free YouTube Title Generator that is offered by CoSchedule gives users a chance to select the kind of brand voice they like for their videos. This helps you maintain a consistent presence across all of your social media networks and increases the amount of audience interaction and views you receive.

How Do I Choose The Target Audience For My YouTube Video?

You must conduct research on the particular audience and the information that would be ideal for them. Learn the names of the relevant fan communities, sign up for them, get familiar with their lingo, and include their words in your video titles. You will start to see a change if you participate actively in these communities.

Explore More Title Generators

Curious about expanding your content creation toolkit? Explore additional content generators to perfect your blog titles, social media captions, email subject lines, and more.

About The Author
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J.Morgan Legreid

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