
Create Social Messages Your Audience & Algorithms Will Love

Boost engagement with 10 proven, time-tested social media tactics

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Social Media EngagementCourse Card


  • beginner


  • social media marketing

Time to Complete

  • 30-45 Minutes

Video Tutorials

  • 11 Lessons

Premium Downloads

  • 8 Resources

Learn How To:

Stand Out In A Sea Of Social Messages

Stand Out In A Sea Of Social Messages

Hook your audience. Use attention-grabbing visuals, videos, & copy that stop your followers from scrolling.

Build The Perfect Posting Schedule

Build The Perfect Posting Schedule

When, where, and how often you post to social media matters. Develop a schedule & cadence that will increase likes, comments, & clicks.

Increase Social Reach & Engagement

Increase Social Reach & Engagement

Social algorithms reward engagement. Implement 10 proven social media tactics that will help you build trust with your audience & create community.

Algorithms Reward Engagement

Social media algorithms are constantly changing. But one thing stays the same.

More engagement = more eyes on your content. Are the messages you create valuable or interesting to your audience? Want more likes, comments, replies, and shares?

Person learning through the Actionable Marketing Institute

Share messages your audience loves.

In this course, you’ll learn 10 unique tactics you can integrate into your social strategy today. 

Capture your readers’ attention. Get real-life examples, recommendations, and resources to craft messages that are proven to get more engagement.

Person learning through the Actionable Marketing Institute

Focus On Results Not Fads

You don’t need to be on TikTok to reach your audience. You don’t have to go live on Facebook, either.

Social media fads come & go. Truth is – they aren’t right for every brand.  

Don’t waste your time on social media trends that won’t produce results. This Social Engagement Course highlights 10 proven, time-tested social tactics that drive engagement.

Person learning through the Actionable Marketing Institute

What will you learn in this Social Media Engagement course?


Course Overview

Discover why engagement is the most important metric on social media.

2 mins


Create & Share Videos That Hook Viewers

5 mins


Recognize Others: Tag People & Brands

3 mins


Curate Valuable Content With Your Followers

6 mins


Schedule Messages At The Best Time For Engagement

4 mins


Increase Post Frequency To Boost Organic Growth

4 mins


Use Images, Memes, & GIFs To Increase Shares and Clicks

4 mins


Recycle Evergreen Content To Boost Reach

6 mins


Create A Facebook Group To Build A Community

3 mins


Host A Twitter Chat To Build Your Following

6 mins


Reshare Content Your Audience Loves (Again & Again)

3 mins


Craft messages that get more likes, comments, & shares.

Enroll Today

It was wonderful. I was blown away by the detail. I went into it thinking it was going to be fluff and hype and it absolutely was not.

Rhett Murdaugh Headshot

Rhett Murdaugh


Ready to learn more proven social media tactics to 10x your engagement?

Purchase this course for $99. Or subscribe to Academy Pro & unlock our entire course catalog for only $150 more.


CoSchedule Academy’s Social Engagement Course

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  • 11Video Tutorials
  • 8Premium Templates & Downloads
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